Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Achey Breaky muscles!

I'm sore today.

I didn't feel it until I got home and settled down, but my back, inner thighs, chest muscles and legs are sore from the weight training and elliptical yesterday.  I'm pretty sure it's not from the treadmill because I go walking at that pace all the time and I never felt sore the next day.  The soreness isn't debilitating or anything - on the contrary, it feels pretty good, especially when I stretch.  It's nice to remember where my muscles are. :-)

I slept very well last night!  Again, I'm sure it's because I got exercise.  At any rate, it's nice because Tuesday night I didn't sleep well at all and I kept waking up up before my alarm went off because I was afraid I was going to forget my workout clothes.  Speaking of which, I need to get them together and put into the car for tomorrow.  If I wait till the morning to do it, I'll be rushing around like crazy (as usual) and I'll be frustrated.  So if I take just a couple minutes tonight to get stuff together, I can get my morning off to a much better start.

My first personal training session is tomorrow at 4:30, and I'm really excited to get my butt kicked!  I really want to learn what I can/should do to get the maximum benefit out of this gym membership.  I only get three training sessions with my membership so I really need to learn as much as I can during those workouts so later on I'll be able to do it on my own.  Of course, my first goal is to lose weight.  My second goal is to tone up.  I'd rather be thin and flabby than fat and toned!  But if I can be thin and toned, well, then, why complain?  I know I can't do it by walking on the treadmill for an hour a day, so I'm very anxious to learn what WILL get me to where I want to be!

I'll update tomorrow after my workout.

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